What if your company could get more done on a daily basis? Companies around the globe are beginning to embrace advancements like cloud computing and unified communications solutions to improve workplace productivity and efficiency. While companies can’t control every factor of the workplace environment, they can certainly take steps to produce happier workers and more effective workplace practices.

1) Reduce Distractions

It’s nearly impossible for employees to do great work while distracted. That said, it’s important for companies to do what they can to decrease distractions in the workplace. Surprisingly, many daily distractions come from bad technology. When computers are outdated, or software is complicated to use, employees spend more time fighting clunky programs than they do finishing work.

That said, technology should be frequently updated to avoid annoying delays and crashes and devices should be synced to the cloud to streamline access to critical documents and projects.

By eliminating the unneeded distractions that arise from a low-tech workplace, employees can get more done with less stress and companies can enjoy the benefit of better business communications and output.

2) Encourage Collaboration

Employees that can work together seamlessly get more done than those who have to wait for updated versions of a document or in-person meetings. With this in mind, ensure that your employees are working on a platform that promotes collaboration, decreases barriers and allows for unified communications.

In addition to streamlining communication, ensure that you are leveraging your employees’ individual strengths to create a more dynamic and vibrant workplace. By setting expectations and giving employees the freedom to utilize creative problem solving and leadership skills, employers can establish a more collaborative workforce that is innovative, efficient and driven.

3) Boost Rewards

People work best when they’re motivated to do so. By rewarding employees for work well done, companies can build a strong relationship with staff and promote an enthusiastic and devoted workforce. In fact, research shows that rewards can make employees more engaged, which means that employers can reap the benefits of increased focus, dedication and drive on enterprise projects.

4) Communicate Efficiently

To work well, employees need to know where to go with concerns, projects questions, and ideas. Set up a platform that allows chat between employees in related sectors and ensure that the entire office is synced to allow real-time access to updated documents and projects. Doing this allows employees to communicate quickly and efficiently while also doing their best possible work.

 5) Consider Remote Workers

Multiple studies show that remote workers are more efficient than in-office workers. With this in mind, consider moving some of your company’s employees into remote positions. Doing this allows for a better work-life balance for the employee and decreased the cost for the employer. Additionally, thanks to technological advancements like the cloud and always-on Internet, it’s easy to keep in touch, track work, collaborate and conduct meetings with remote workers.

If you’re having doubts about moving to a remote workforce, consider giving it a trial run with employees whose job positions do not require them to be physically present. Start by opting for 2 or 3 days a week out of office and move up to full-time remote positions as the workplace begins to adapt.

Although many employers initially have concerns about remote workers, the right team of remote workers can often drastically boost a company’s efficiency and output without raising costs or requiring the addition of additional staff members.

Workplace Productivity: It’s Good for Everyone

Nobody enjoys spending time in a workplace that is inefficient, disorganized and outdated. By utilizing technology like the cloud and always-on Internet, employers can give their workplace productivity a drastic boost while also promoting increased collaboration.

Although raising workplace productivity may seem challenging, a great deal of it comes down to communication. The more a company can provide platforms for unified communications, the better it will be at completing projects, meeting client needs, fulfilling obligations and drawing new business. Additionally, unified communications allow for a more seamless workplace and less stress for employers and employees, alike. Fortunately, the steps to boost efficiency are the same: by syncing the workplace to the cloud, reducing distractions related to bad technology and encouraging collaboration among employees, employers can quickly create a workplace that is more efficient and more streamlined.

Nowadays, it’s not enough for a workplace to just get by, in order to truly succeed in today’s competitive markets, companies need to make the most of everything offered to them and, by using modern technology and new business tactics to increase productivity and companies can actually stand out from the crowd.